Friday, March 2, 2007


"What's humidity?" my girlfriend Rayna, from Texas, asks with SUCH innocence... I can't help but feel sorry for her in her naive state, since Texas didn't ever have humid heat. I hope she doesn't die in this air you can swim in, though i hear she's a good swimmer... so maybe she'll be ok? Everyone has been telling her how much she will hate it, and the poor girl's face every time someone says that... it's so sad. I wish to make the world a better place for my lady, though humidity is out of my hands. Sorry. Welcome to Illinois...

Thursday, March 1, 2007

I went to the store the other day to buy some cough drops and tylenol etc... and i got some DayQuil and some NyQuil too, cause I was sick and having trouble making it through each day. So I go to the check out counter... and it's one of those self-check-out things where you scan it yourself. I scan my DayQuil.. and lo and behold, a message pops up on the screen saying "Wait for Approval".... so I wait.. and .. the attendant lady comes to me, looks at the DayQuil, and asks for my ID. Now... I can understand if I was buying 10 DayQuils at once... or a handgun and a bottle of Tylenol.. but to card me for buying one DayQuil? Like she's going to remember me and testify at my court date when I decide to overdose on DayQuil and commit suicide, but fail to do so, and end up getting charged with attempted murder of myself. Like she'll be the one to step up and say "I carded that kid when he bought it! He had a malicious look on his face!" I hope she gets taken to jail for being stupid. Anyways.... I got my DayQuil.


For the past three to four weeks or so, i've been either underlyingly sick, or just plain sick. I found, at Wal-Mart, these Halls Defense drops with Vitamin C in them to help support your immune system. Ever since I ate the first one, i've been eating them non-stop, like candy. They taste good, and who can deny your body some good tasting healthy stuff? Yum. I eat more than 20 of them a day! And i've actually begun to notice that it helps. I have felt better than I had before. Vitamin C is my new hero when i'm sick. So go to Wal-Mart and buy some Halls Defense drops for those stupid sick times. >:D

Monday, February 26, 2007

French Fry

I went out to eat with my girlfriend's parents tonight. We went to Houlihan's at Union Station. They had never been there, so we though it a fitting place to go. I was extremely nervous to meet them for the second time... since the first time was absolutely terrifying. Her mother gave me the most evil look a mother can give. She didn't like the fact that her daughter just moved from Texas to Illinois for a guy she met on a game, not to mention she's moving in WITH him too. Heaven forbid she be happy, no, never. However, this dinner tonight would have actually been a very pleasant experience... had I been informed that her parents say a prayer before eating. Unaware of this, as soon as the food came to the table, I grabbed a fry and took one bite, only to look up at them two and see them looking at me, grinning. I immediately felt terrible and ashamed, like the world would come to an end in such a diner. They began praying a short prayer of thanks and I bowed my head in submission, in defeat, in horror. I was timid for most of the time afterwards, afraid I had just smited their ritual and offended the evil eyeballing mother. I eventually got in a little in the conversations about the city comparisons and buildings. After leaving the crime scene, I immediately expressed my guilt, and she just laughed like crazy and reassured me that her mother was just fine and she saw no hint of uneasiness or frustration in her mother. That didn't really console me, but I figured it best to take her word to the best of my ability. Tomorrow, before they leave town, and we have dinner with them at Chevy's, I'M GOING TO REMEMBER.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Recently my girlfriend just moved in with me. She is from Texas and I met her playing an online game. I never thought I would meet someone that way, but one day I logged in our voice chat and just heard this girl on there who instantly captivated me. We started talking all the time, both in and out of the game. We would text each other all day, and talk on the phone all through the night. I dont even like to talk on the phone! So after a few months I had some vacation time and we decided I should take it in Texas and meet her in person. When I met her she ran up and gave me the greatest hug I have ever received. From that moment on she had me stuck. It was the best vacation I had ever taken and it sucked leaving her. We went another month, talking constantly, and then luck prevailed and it was her turn to visit me. Once again our time together was amazing, and we soon started thinking of reasons one of us could relocate to the other. In the long run it worked out, her roomate (sister) ended up having to move out because she joined the marines. She was going to have to find a place to stay and I instantly offered. Ever since things have been great, and now when we game we do it together side by side, and I wouldn't trade it for anything!