Monday, February 26, 2007

French Fry

I went out to eat with my girlfriend's parents tonight. We went to Houlihan's at Union Station. They had never been there, so we though it a fitting place to go. I was extremely nervous to meet them for the second time... since the first time was absolutely terrifying. Her mother gave me the most evil look a mother can give. She didn't like the fact that her daughter just moved from Texas to Illinois for a guy she met on a game, not to mention she's moving in WITH him too. Heaven forbid she be happy, no, never. However, this dinner tonight would have actually been a very pleasant experience... had I been informed that her parents say a prayer before eating. Unaware of this, as soon as the food came to the table, I grabbed a fry and took one bite, only to look up at them two and see them looking at me, grinning. I immediately felt terrible and ashamed, like the world would come to an end in such a diner. They began praying a short prayer of thanks and I bowed my head in submission, in defeat, in horror. I was timid for most of the time afterwards, afraid I had just smited their ritual and offended the evil eyeballing mother. I eventually got in a little in the conversations about the city comparisons and buildings. After leaving the crime scene, I immediately expressed my guilt, and she just laughed like crazy and reassured me that her mother was just fine and she saw no hint of uneasiness or frustration in her mother. That didn't really console me, but I figured it best to take her word to the best of my ability. Tomorrow, before they leave town, and we have dinner with them at Chevy's, I'M GOING TO REMEMBER.

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